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What is next for Mixer streamers?

What is next for Mixer streamers?

What happens when your favorite streaming platform suddenly shuts down? Or even worse - what happens when you have built a brand and large following on that platform? Where do you go next, and how do you take your audience with you? Today we will look into the process of transitioning out of Mixer into the other choices on the streaming market.

Why is Mixer Shutting Down?

For many people in the game streaming space, it was not a secret that Mixer wasn't doing great over the last two years. The news about the Mixer shutdown was somewhat anticipated, but it still hurts to see it happen. It looks like the reasons behind this decision are mixed. The low engagement rate, combined with the high competition and mediocre financials of the platform, led to its decision to secure Facebook funding and explore new business horizons. 

Twitch vs Youtube Gaming vs Facebook Gaming?

Facebook Gaming is a relatively new gaming and streaming outlet but can utilize the existing network from Facebook. For most people looking to be able to have fun while streaming and quickly monetize their accounts, Facebook can prove to be an excellent choice. Youtube Gaming takes advantage of Google Algorithms and can provide great SEO tools, plus search visibility. On the other hand, Twitch has been the Go-To Gaming Platform, and most people are already familiar with it, making the transition a lot easier. 

How to move your streaming account to a new platform?

1) Plan and strategize

It is always a great idea to sit down and plan your strategy for growing a new account. The good thing is, you already have the experience in developing a streaming community on Mixer, and you can utilize those skills to rebuild everything from scratch, even better. Remember that a building is as secure as its foundation, so make sure you plan and calculate how you will tackle that task. We recommend writing it down and following a well-structured plan.

2) Follow your crowd

Many of the Techni Sport Influencers have been streaming on Mixer and have been loyal to their program. Unfortunately, now everyone has to choose to move to either Twitch, Youtube, or Facebook Gaming. With Ninja, Shroud, and all the other large streamers having to make the choice themselves, it will be an interesting process to see. We are about to witness a battle between the big streaming platforms to acquire the most influential names in our industry.

For everyone else, we have already noticed a trend happening across the board. Streamers tend to wait and see where the people they look up to, will go next. Another way to look at this process is as if it was a pyramidal structure, where the largest streamers are followed by medium-size streamers, who indeed are followed by the smaller and beginner streamers. That is also how the streaming space grew to be known for its supportive, loyal community. We hope to see this space preserving this collective spirit, and grow even stronger in the future.

3) Shoutout your new streamer link everywhere

Sharing your streamer links has always been a big part of growing your account. Don't be shy to post your new link on all of your social media channels. Use your bio and simply replace your old link with the new one. Then make sure you add to your stories about your transition and notify all of your followers. They should know you are leaving Mixer and where you are going. You can also use the opportunity to shoutout your new streamer link on other people's posts, but make sure they have asked for it first. 


Whichever exit strategy you chose, make sure you weigh your options and make it a smooth transition. Twitch has the advantage of being the largest gaming platform, and Youtube has a robust massive infrastructure and robust algorithms. Facebook Gaming is up and coming and has the potential to compete on a high level, as it is the world's largest social network. Whichever platform you chose to move next should be the right decision. Just plan and execute! Best of luck to everyone with their next move. 

Leave a comment below if you have any tips on making this transition easier and more successful. 


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1 comment

  • Ryan Guthrie

    Switching to a different platform can be hard, but the community you have built on Mixer will support you no matter where you are. If you feel you have somewhat of a following on Facebook, try FB Gaming. If you want discoverability because you don’t have a following, try youtube first. Twitch is definitely the go-to streaming platform for gaming because of how long it’s been around and been doing it right. There are a lot of options to choose, just make sure you pick where you feel belongs, and your community will support you. Good luck and happy streaming! :D

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