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How to develop your gaming skills?

How to develop your gaming skills?

Pro gamers seem to have an exceptional, almost superhuman understanding of the rules of the game. It comes to them as an instinct and is referred to as "game sense". The gaming instinct is mostly built by spending endless hours of playing while gaining game knowledge and growing your experience history. Excellence can be accomplished by studying tips and tricks on how to pass different levels in various games and later on, practicing them yourself. You likely know that already and you do it all, but your progress isn't as quick as you wish it to be. Do you wonder why this is happening and how can you reach the pro level even faster?

In order to understand how to evolve your gaming skills, you need to first look at how your memory works. Basically your brain is like a database. At first, you observe and read things, later you have to experience them yourself, and in the end, the brain stores them as hard memory and turns them into reflex. To get there, your working memory is essential. It mixes all the new information with the old one and goes on to processing them as one. Your working memory is also responsible for all processes involving pattern recognition, and those are very important in the gaming field.

Knowing all this is great, but there is a small problem. Your working memory is not limitless! On average the working brain memory holds information for about 15 seconds. Of course in the gameplay, there's tons of information, it becomes nearly impossible to sink in. Each time we need to move on to a new gaming match, our short term - working memory resets itself and starts fresh. Each time you develop an understanding of something new, your brain essentially creates a new informational batch. The more batches we already have, the easier it will be to create new ones and have them all connected. Long story short, the more games we play, the easier it becomes to build our gaming reflexes and develop a better gamer sense. We looked at this process in 4 steps.

Step 1 - Record, Review, and Rerun your gameplay.

Professional gamers always review their matches. Since this is a really fast-paced sport, you will miss some of the highlights and keys of the game. You need to actively review, slow it down, and analyze the most important moments of the game. 

Step 2 - Analyze your key lessons and repeat them.

Once you have looked over your recorded games, you need to move on to analysis and repetition. It's the only way to beat your short term memory limitations. In order to make sure you'll do better in the future you should write down key takeaways, be it a strategy you just came up with, or a trick to improve your accuracy. 

Step 3 - Recite and Recall your takeaways.

When you are aware of the things you can do better, or the things you've done great, it's time to learn and recall these strategies in your mind without looking at your notes. Almost like studying a poem by heart. Just keep repeating these tricks in your mind until you can recite them without any external help. After this, you are ready to jump back into the game and enjoy your improvement. 

Step 4 - Practice your newly acquired skills daily.

You are probably tired of hearing this, but if this is really your life dream and you want to be the best version of yourself, you need to sharpen those skills every day. As soon as you have learned something new, you should get in the game and practice it until it becomes a newly acquired habit!

If you can devote an hour to watching the past match, writing down key takeaways, analyzing what went wrong and how to improve it, learn to recite and recall, you will improve your gaming tremendously. Get yourself a notebook where you can write down your takeaways and start implementing this system into your gaming life right away. Then you can come back and let us know how is your improvement going!

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